Artistic Statement of Practice

Charissa Leitch the Artist behind Lizard Queen Conceptuals, seamlessly weaves sustainability into her captivating collages. Here's how she achieves this harmonious blend:

1. Material Selection: Charissa's commitment to sustainability begins with her choice of materials. She repurposes forgotten fragments—discarded paper, fabric, and left over supplies—breathing new life into them. By salvaging and upcycling, she reduces waste and minimizes her environmental footprint.

2. Eco-Conscious Practices: Charissa meticulously sources materials from thrift stores, vintage shops, and even friends' cast-offs. Each piece she incorporates carries a history, a story waiting to be retold. This mindful approach aligns with sustainable principles.

3. Imaginative Repurposing: Her collages transcend mere aesthetics. They become vessels for transformation. Charissa ingeniously combines disparate elements, creating intricate compositions that celebrate the beauty of repurposing. Old book pages, faded photographs, and torn maps find new purpose in her art.

4. Sensory Sensitivity: Charissa's heightened sensory awareness and Hyper fantasia imbue her art with deeper meaning. Through her imaginative connection with colors, textures, and messages, she crafts collages that resonate on a profound level, inviting viewers to experience the stories woven into each piece.

5. Message of Renewal: Through her work, Charissa sends a powerful message: what others discard, she elevates. Her collages remind us that beauty exists in imperfection, that sustainability isn't a sacrifice but a creative act. Each piece whispers, "See the potential. Reimagine."

6. Lisa Simpson's Influence: Inspired by Lisa Simpson's psychedelic journey, Charissa embraces a shift in perspective. Just as Lisa explored altered states, Charissa invites viewers to see the world differently. Sustainability becomes a lens through which we appreciate the overlooked and reimagine the ordinary.

7. Psychedelic Experience without substances: Charissa's work delves into the psychedelic realm without promoting the use of substances. She believes in the transformative power of psychedelics as tools, not toys, emphasizing that shifted perspectives can be attained through various means beyond substance use. In her art, she explores the expansive and mind-altering qualities of the psychedelic experience, offering viewers an alternative journey into altered states of consciousness.

In summary, Charissa pieces aren't merely art—they're a testament to the magic of sustainability, the alchemy of turning fragments into treasures.